It's another Tuesday for us foodies. Gotta say I always have the blog going on during the 6 other days in the week. Last Wednesday I went out and had a fun day with my mother in law. While at this (AMAZING) bookstore I came across 2 cookbooks so I nabbed them up and Ma and I are already on the research hunt for more food goodness. A blog mistresses work is never done ;D. So let's get cracking to this week's pick. Ma has chosen an old comfort food classic. Ever had Hamburger Helper? You know the stuff in the box that promises a meal in one pan with just the box of ingredients and a pound of meat? Well, we decided to cut out the middle man (sorry, hamburger helper hand, you're cute but not needed this time) and make our own stroganoff. YES! Stroganoff, that tangy, pasta filled, mushroom soaked dish. Come on who doesn't love this stuff? I know I do and ours has left out all that mumbo jumbo salt that they fill helper with (I am not a HH hater, I just think if you can cut down the salt and make it your own then why not?). I'm sure the hand helper will understand. Let's get things started:
(This recipe was written on an extremely old piece of paper so yours truly will be writing this one out. No link this week)

Hamburger (not helper) Stroganoff
(Makes 5 servings)
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup minced onions
1 clove garlic minced
1lb ground beef
1lb mushrooms, sliced
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1 cup sour cream
1 can of cream of mushroom or cream of chicken soup
Egg Noodles
*In a skillet over medium heat in hot butter or margarine cook onions and garlic until golden (3 minutes). Stir in ground beef, mushrooms, flour, salt, pepper, and paprika. Cook stirring often, until meat is brown (about 7 minutes).
*Stir in undiluted soup. Heat to boiling then reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes to blend flavors. Stir in sour cream and heat (DO NOT BOIL).
*Serve over noodles or rice.

So this was yum city! I actually had 2 helpings (HA! Get it? Helpings? As in hamburger helper...No?) and Geoff looked pleased with it. Can't go wrong there lol.
Tid Bits:
*Honestly, we don't have a lot of tid bits this week. I really think the recipe is spot on. So kiddies, follow it.
The only thing we suggest is you can change the beef or turkey and not a fan of mushrooms? Try leaving out the actual mushrooms and just using the cream of mushroom soup. Oh and one last one, you can certainly put this over rice.
Ma's Spot: I got this recipe MANY years ago from a friend and loved it. Of course for Dinah Jane we changed the beef for turkey and it turned out really good. I liked this recipe because it's a lot cheaper to make with the ground beef or ground turkey than the standard stroganoff recipe using stewing meat. So if you're looking to feed the family on a budget and have a tasty dinner I encourage you to try this.
It's time for snack corner! Where we take new snacks in the grocery store and break it down for you. We tell you which are hot and which are not. Let's get to this week's picks:

Dinah: This week's snack is a newbie from Hershey's. The new Air Delight Kisses which has something to do with aerated air in it? I'm guessing it means it was whipped? Anywho, I liked them nonetheless. When I got the middle of the kiss it made me feel like I was eating chocolate air but in a good way. I know that sounds odd but gotta say I'm a fan. So, if you'd like a chocolate fix and want something different than the norm then try these.
Ma: I have to say my taste buds really enjoyed this snack. It was light on texture but not light on taste. Whether you suck on them or bite right in the airy texture of them was a big hit with me. I encourage you to stop reading this now and go out and get some!
That's it folks, we'll see you back here in 7 days. Next week is my pick and as always it's going to be something out o left field. What exactly? You gotta come back and see. ;].
Have a great week guys!
Spoons & Spatula's
~Dinah & Ma